Higher Education Focus: Accreditation Self-Study

Institutional needs vary when it comes to planning and implementing a process in preparation for a comprehensive evaluation or self-study required by your accrediting organization. Longpoint can assist your institution as it prepares for accreditation related processes, whether your needs are broad or narrow in scope.

The outline below indicates how we might assist you with four critical areas of focus and preparation: Planning & Readiness, Process Engagement, Self-Study Development and Response & Follow-Up. The PDF Accreditation Self-Study found on this page provides a more detailed outline of how Longpoint might partner with you as your Institution undergoes an accreditation process.

Longpoint’s Consulting Role
Planning & ReadinessLongpoint will work with your Institution’s Self-Study Leader to:

  • Assess Institutional knowledge and assist in determining orientation and training needs for staff regarding self-study process
  • Design self-study structure and timeframe that balances resource availability with demands of conducting self-study and related requirements
  • Confirm availability of required data and identify future data needs
Process EngagementLongpoint will work with your Institution to develop and deliver a customized self-study orientation for key staff based on needs identified by the Institution. Potential participants include:

  • Institution leaders
  • Steering Committee Members
  • Accreditation Standards Committee Chairs
Self-Study DevelopmentLongpoint will tailor a role to meet Institutional requirements:

  • In a limited role, Longpoint consultant can serve as Process Coach partnering with Self-Study leader to facilitate and manage process steps and outcomes
  • In an expanded role, Longpoint can:
    • Facilitate an overall process and committee structure
    • Provide assistance with completing E-Series and S-Series Institutional Data Forms
    • Assist in development of self-study document — transitioning from separate standards drafts (many voices and writers) to a final, complete document in a single voice
    • Perform documentation review, visit logistics and preparations
Response & Follow-UpLongpoint can assist with preparation of your Institutional Response to Visiting Team Report as an external reader/editor.